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cdall’s well that ends well
梦魇疗法  detail>>
all is well that ends well
吉人自有天相 结局好就一切都好 在危险中的东西未必都会损失  detail>>
all that ends well is well
结果好 就一切都好  detail>>
alls well ends well
家有喜事  detail>>
all’ well that ends well
终成成眷属  detail>>
alls well ends well, too
花田喜事  detail>>
all’s well ends well,too
花田喜事  detail>>
a well
一口井  detail>>
and as well
以及, 又  detail>>
as well
不防 不用于否定句 常放于句末 放在句末 更常用于句末 记住了 也,还 就…之限度,在…范围内 同样,也,还 同样的&n...  detail>>
as well (as )
也,还有  detail>>
as well as
(除...之处)也,即...又 不但...而且. 除……外,如同……一样;以及 除之外 除…之外(也),和 和,还有/ 和…一样好 ...  detail>>
the well
枫叶情  detail>>
to the well
井边  detail>>
 n.  1.井。 2.泉水;源头,来源。 3.坑,穴,凹处;【矿物】矿井,竖坑;【军事】(地雷的)井坑;【建筑】井孔;通风竖井;楼梯井,升降机井道。...  detail>>
well then
那么  detail>>
be well spoken of; be well-known
见称于世  detail>>